A common task assigned to high school or college students is a problem solution essay. Such essays are usually aimed at horning the problem solving skills of students. Problem solution essays require the student to carry out research on a given problematic issue. Therefore, problem solution essays are focused on proposing solutions to particular problems, or on stressing the need to find solutions to a problem, by informing the reader about the gravity of the situation. Like most other academic jobs, problem solution essays follow the usual format of introduction, body and conclusion. In addition to these, problem solution essays also require a strong thesis statement.
A problem solution essay can be fixed or open.
For a fixed essay, the problem is already determined and the author has to work on that particular problem. An open essay however, provides the writer with an opportunity to choose their essay from a number of outlined problems, or even on a problem of their own discretion. For the latter, the writer can outline possible causes of the problem, the effects and possible solutions. This will in turn help them to make the best choice. Often, the best problem solution essays focus on an interesting and relevant problem. This can be a contemporary problem, or a long time problem, which remains controversial. Whatever the case, the writer should pick an essay, which best allows him/her to convince their audience.
The essay begins with an introduction, which includes a description of the problem. Any good writer is aware that a strong introduction is important to catch the attention of the reader, and create the urge to read on. To achieve this, the writer should focus their introduction on stressing why the problem is important and why it requires an urgent solution. The writer could highlight the effects of leaving the problem unsolved. Normally, the introduction will also contain the thesis statement, which outlines what the paper intends to argue. Most thesis statements will capture a single solution, proposing that it is the best way to mitigate the problem. In cases where there are multiple solutions to the problem, the thesis statement might argue for the need to solve the problem immediately.
The writer then proceeds to the body of the problem.
Depending on the length of the essay, the body may contain as little as four to as many as eight paragraphs. Regardless of the number of paragraphs, the body of the essay should take on a logically progressive format from the problem to its solution. One of the rules of proper writing is that each paragraph should carry a meaning that is substantially differentiable from those held in other paragraphs. To meet this grammatical goal, writers can focus on using one paragraph to describe the problem and its extent. The next paragraph would probably deal with the effects of the problem and the consequences of leaving it unsolved. This might be followed up by proposing possible solutions before finally arguing for the most effective solution. Proper research is important in order to have empirical groundings for the arguments forwarded in the essay. A weakly researched paper might fail to convince the reader about the intensity of the problem, or on the need to solve it urgently. Some of the possible topics would include
Topic # 1: Men – bad housekeeping behaviors
Topic # 2: Women- Poor methods of raising the boy child.
Topic # 3: Women abduction for marriage.
The paper then ends with a conclusion, which summarizes the essay. Here, the problem and main points are restated. It is usually also a good practice to restate the thesis statement of the essay. The conclusion aims at getting the reader to want to get involved in solving the problem. It is therefore important to have a strong conclusion, which emphasizes the magnitude of the problem.
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