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Effective communication and collaboration strategy is essential among individuals. Communication skills are needed.  Effective communication is a two way process, and if it fails true collaboration cannot be realized. It is important to note that people come from different background, and they have diverse learning style and personal characters. People learn in different ways such as seeing, hearing, and experiencing things. There are various learning style some of which includes but not limited to; Visual learner, interpersonal learner, kinesthetic learner.

Visual learner is an individual who prefers learning from illustrations. In this learning technique, data, ideas, concept, and other information is presented inform of graphs, maps, plots, Venn plots, images, webs among other techniques. These techniques are used in visual learning to enhance thinking and learning skills. Visual learners have the following characteristics; great instinctive direction, good at spelling, takes time before understanding lecture, easily visualize objects, likes and understands graphs easily, they are good at sign language, and are said to be excellent organizers.

Visual learners have challenges of remembering lectures heard from the class. However, it is advisable for visual learners to apply visual aids such as color outline of test material so as to retain more information. According to Materna (2007) “The visual learner generally reads content silently prior to hearing a lecture to understand it more thoroughly” (p. 51). Visual tools will help and enhance the ability of remembering information easily. Materna (2007) continue to say that visual learner relies heavily on writing notes during a lecture and while studying rather (p. 51). These learners visualize everything they see, so as to understand it. “When visual learners are trying to recall information, they generally can see or visualize in their minds eye what they are trying to recall” (p. 51).

Kinesthetic learners are individuals who learn through personal experience. “Kinesthetic learners usually learn better when they are physically moving about or actively doing as they learn”  (Beck & Clason, 2007, p. 52). In academic environment kinesthetic students benefit when engage themselves in doing the assignment if in a group. This gives one a chance of reading the final paper while typing it. Beck and Clason (2007), continue to explain that student who favor kinesthetic learning are drawn to laboratory work, fieldwork, demonstration, and other types of “hands-on” activities (p. 52). When the Kinesthetic learners participate in any assignment, they will always recall the experience. “When Kinesthetic learners are trying to recall information, they focus on the self-study strategies that they have personality created to help them learn” (Materna, 2007, p. 52).

Another learning style is interpersonal, this is ability to interact with and understand people. Interpersonal learners, like activities, which involves many people. In school for example, such activities includes; debate clubs, drama, or even public speech. Heacox (2002), Interpersonal learners are good at motivating others, organizing, and communicating (p. 37). Interpersonal learners like interacting with others, thus they play a very important in team, especially in conflict management.

According to Materna (2007), “Another popular way to examine learning style is to consider how personality structures affect thinking and response to learning” (p. 53). Learning ability is determined by personalities. These attributes are natural, and are in scales with opposite poles. They includes; Extravert/introvert scale, sensing/intuitive scale, Thinking/feeling.

Extravert/introvert scale, reveals people who like to focus their energy and attention. According to Beck and Clason (2007), some people prefer the inner world of thought and ideas, which are known as introverts while others prefer the outer world of people and action, these are known as extraverts (p. 54).

Sensing/intuitive scale shows people’s preference of getting information. Everyone needs to be informed to move on with life; however people have different preference of acquiring information.  Beck and Clason (2007) say sensing people prefers working with the facts they obtain from their senses; hearing, seeing, smelling, feeling, or touching (p. 54).  They distinguish intuitive people as those who like dealing in world of ideas (p. 54).

Thinking/feeling scale indicates ones preference for making decisions. People may have common information, but use it differently. As Beck and Clason (2007) explain, thinkers prefer making decisional based on logical analysis while feelers make their decision by considering values and emotions (p. 54).

In conclusion, we can generally agree that effective communication is essential in either learning or business environment. Thus, it is important to understand the effective communication and communicate your message in the best possible way. Exercise flexibility and zeal of assisting others to accomplish common objective.


Beck, J. A. & Clason, M. A. (2007). Light on the path: A Christian perspective on College

Success (2nd ed.). Great New York City Area, NY: Cengage Learning.

Heacox, D. (2002). Differentiating instruction in the regular classroom: how to reach all

learners, grades 3-12. Minneapolis Minnesota, United States: Free Spirit Publishing

Materna, L. (2007). Jump start the adult learner: how to engage and motivate adults using

brain-compatible strategies. Phoenix, Arizona Area: Crown Press.