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Geography is the study of earth and all it’s surrounding. Examples of topic studied in geography are mountains, rivers, vegetation and other natural resources on the surface of the earth.

El Niño

El Niño is a disturbance in the weather pattern in regions across the Pacific Ocean which causes calamities such as floods and later prolonged droughts. It is known for coming after a period of two to seven years and lasts for a period of five to nine months. The term El Niño is a Spanish name that means Christ child and it was given this name because it mostly occurs in Decembers. Its signs are; rise and fall of surface and air pressure consequently and the spread of warm water from the west of pacific and Indian ocean to the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean (www.nationalgeographical.com/elnino.html).


An earthquake is a release of force from underground in form of waves that causes shakings in the region affected. Earth quakes are classified in three types according to the force that accompanies them. These are; temblor, tremor, and normal quakes. The common destructions caused by earthquakes are; landslide, falling of buildings and soil liquefaction. The strength of the earthquake is measured by a device called seismometer. The major causes of earthquakes are the eruptions in volcanic mountains, weakening of faults after the formation of valleys.


Tornado is a dangerous, rotating wind that comes inform of a cloud comes carrying everything including vehicle that on the earth’s surface. Tornados are categorized in three different types; the multiple vortex tornados, waterspout, and the lands pout. Tornadoes are caused by a combination of hot and cold winds. They are normally accompanied by lightening and very heavy thunderstorms. The common signs of tornados are; hailstorms, quietness, and sudden drop in temperature.


Geography. Retrieved from www.nationalgeographical.com/elnino.html