The purpose of this paragraph is to analyze Poon’s article “Charismatic Leadership” (2000). Poon states that due to the constraints placed on public administrators, it is likely that charismatic leaders will exhibit not socialized but more personalized charisma which may be formed and supported by the environment of a leader. Consequently, positive effects of a charismatic leader may disappear and corporate moral may fall down after his leave and will not for sure appear in a new company (2000, p. 24).
Floistad claims that leadership shall lead to the development of an interaction between attitudes in order to create “unity from diversity”. The unity is something existing above a leader and it shall be achieved also in a social-moral perspective as corporate morale unity defines what employees may do, how they can overcome difficulties (1991, p. 28). Rock supports Floistad and adds that effective leadership can be the product of a group of individuals working together and responsible for their free choice. Hence, better results can be achieved through co-leadership. In such case every employee is a drive of initiative and effective work and is not dependent on the availability of the charismatic leader (2009, p. 470).
Tuomo does not agree to the effectiveness of the participative leadership and claims that collective agreement with the leader’s values no matter whether it is voluntary or involuntary (no free choice) for the individual leads to a “heightened level of internal cohesion and value congruence”. Nevertheless, he agrees that charismatic leaders may use their charisma to manipulate their followers and warns about inadmissibility of such practice (2006, p. 19). Rowden argues that involuntary agreement with the leader’s values and vision is not appropriate for effective organization as people leave those companied that do not share their ideas and do not satisfy their needs (2000, p. 32).
Consequently, a charismatic leader may be considered to be effective if he or she is going to lead a company for a long time and does not use charisma for manipulation. Otherwise, participative leadership that shares ideas of all workers and leads to an organizational moral unity which is not dependent on a leader is more beneficial.
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