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Technology is developing with each passing day. Living is becoming simpler and more convenient. In today's world, a cell phone holds more information and carries out more functions than it was ever perceived fifty years ago. Computers have become portable and internet has revolutionized the world. Even in the field of biology, numerous milestones have been created by noted scientists and doctors who have beneficiated people all over the world. Some points can be kept handy while researching technological developments:

  • While working on a research paper in technology, it is first important to choose a field, be it electronics, physics, chemistry or biology. All have diversified sub-topics and it is important not to lose focus while choosing a topic.
  • Under the technology topics for the research paper, there can be various sub-topics to organize the research paper.
  • Contrary to what people think, a technological research paper must not only deal with the scientific side, but should also include ethics, morals and religious repercussions.
  • Personal views are always welcomed in any original piece of writing but one must take care so as not to become controversial or sound biased. All details should be presented from a neutral point of view and personal opinions may be discussed thereafter.
  • There are many options while choosing the topic. For example, there can be Exploratory papers, which has 3-4 fields to explore and research, Argumentative paper, where one is required to take a stand relating to an issue and explain it or a Cause paper which highlights a major issue and seeks to bring it to the people's notice.

Following are some examples of topics for technology research papers:

Cloning humans: boon or curse?

  • Is cloning humans an easy task and what are the costs?
  • Do religions have anything to say about the concept of cloning? How shall religious leaders react to it?
  • Will clones have the same political and legal identity and rights as biological humans?

Electronic revolution

  • Do cell phones and computers actually aid in productive communication?
  • Adverse repercussions of communication technology.
  • Future prospects


  • Conditions for resorting to surrogacy.
  • Legalities involved in surrogacy if she is of a different nationality.
  • Health effects of surrogacy and the limit.
  • Maternal rights of the surrogate mother.
  • Cancer Drugs
  • Latest stand in the field of chemotherapy.
  • Different drugs for different types of cancer.
  • Alternate options.
  • Ways of diminishing side-effects
  • Social Media
  • Evolution of social media in the modern world.
  • How has it helped people?
  • Curses of being hooked on to the social media sites.
  • Social media as a pressure on adolescents